About Network Switches

We may have heard about network switches but there are some confusion regarding them. Firstly, switches are devices that are used in network connections and are thus used in local area network connections. In other words a network switch is like a controller and it allows computers and other devices to talk to each other smoothly.

Facts about Network Switches
  • Network switches do their operations at the Data Link Layer or the layer two of the OSI model of networking.
  • In appearance they are similar to network hubs but are better able to handle network connections.
  • They have the ability to check the data packets that pass through them and can send them to the required destinations appropriately.
  • Network switches can conserve network bandwidth.
  • Network switches are implemented for Ethernet connections.
  • When switches are connected to each other it is called as called as daisy chaining.
  • Network can save money for businesses and increase the productivity of an organization.
The Types of Switches

Two types of switches are used:
  • Unmanaged switches – it is very simple and can be used right out of the box. It‘s very easy to install and does not require much of a configuration. Generally used in homes, these types of switches have less amount of network capacity.
  • Managed switches – these types of switches can be configured and they have greater amount of flexibility. These also have better capacity than unmanaged switches. A managed switch can be adjusted locally or in a remote way to allow for greater control.
The Use of Network Switches

A switch is used to connect between two computers. It is a centre point of multiple devices and through it data is transmitted from one computer to another. Since, switches are better able to handle data connections they are used at homes, in offices and other places where network connectivity is required.

Using a Switch in a Network

To use a switch in a network, one needs to determine the speed of connection and the number of ports. Then the switch should be connected using an IP address. Next, the cable from the uplink port is to be connected to the rest of the network via an Ethernet cable. After that the Ethernet cables are connected from the computers to the ports of the switches. Finally, the settings are hard coded if required. As the computers are switched on they will automatically adjust to the settings of the switch.

In today’s communication, the use of network switches cannot be undermined. There are various switches to choose from and among them 3560V2 switch is one of the best. Also, WS-C3560G-24PS-S is a really good model. These are high speed devices and perform to the best of their abilities.

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